
Sex and Relationship Therapy

Helping You Navigate The Path To Deeper Relational Understanding And Intimacy.

Couple’s Therapy NYC

Couples therapy offers tools for better communication, conflict resolution, and increased intimacy.  Couple’s therapy intervenes with relational dynamics that cause faulty communication, conflict, and resentment.   Is Couple’s Therapy Effective? The research states that it is, particularly when the therapists use Emotionally Focused interventions.  In my 20-plus years of experience, I have seen many couples achieve […]

Sexual Desire: It’s complexities and practical interventions

Sexual Desire: Its Complexities And Practical Interventions Factors Influencing Sexual Desire Social Discourses Age, education level, and socio-economic status can influence attitudes and expectations towards sex as well as the level of stress and exhaustion. Societal discourses regarding sex and love can influence sexual desire greatly. Physiology Hormonal changes that occur in menopause and pregnancy, […]

11 Myths About Sexual Desire to Stop Believing

11 Myths About Sexual Desire Myths about sex often lead to confusion, frustration, and conflict. By thinking critically and dispelling common myths about sexual desire, we can reduce frustration and conflict. Myth #1: Sexual Desire is Constant The belief that sexual desire should stay the same regarding quantity and quality is harmful because it is […]

Not interested in sex anymore

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Partner Doesn’t Desire You

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Partner Doesn’t Desire You Lack of sexual desire is often difficult to navigate or understand.  There are multiple reasons why this happens and often it is not just one thing but a combination of factors that tend to be interrelated.  I am providing simple things that you can do when […]

Best Sex Therapy Books To Promote Healing

Best Sex Therapy Books To Promote Healing Do It Yourself Sex Therapy Making a list of the best sex therapy books took a while but I feel like I’ve created a treasure chest.  These books are my favorite books of all time.  They will help you increase awareness and give you tools to change how […]

What Is Sex Therapy? Benefits, Techniques, How it Works

What Is Sex Therapy? Benefits, Techniques Misconceptions About Sex Therapy It is only about sex Sex therapy delves into more than just sex, focusing on the deeper issues that affect sexual satisfaction.  It is only for couples Sex therapy is not limited to couples; significant progress can be made in individual sessions. It addresses both […]

Embracing Intimacy: Overcoming the Shadow of Sexual Abuse

Embracing Intimacy: Overcoming the Shadow of Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse extends beyond physical aggression to encompass actions such as making inappropriate remarks, initiating unwanted physical contact, and using someone’s image without their permission. If an encounter leaves you feeling violated or sexually exploited, it is probable that you have experienced a form of sexual abuse. […]

Sex Expectations Lead to Sexual Problems

Sex Expectations Lead to Sexual Problems My client Harry’s experience sheds light on the pervasive issue of unrealistic sexual expectations among young adults, fueled by societal messages and peer anecdotes. Harry, influenced by his friends’ claims of their sexual prowess, struggles with the reality that his sexual responses are not as indiscriminate or readily commanded. […]